Mamaroneck Public Library District Community Room Policy & Procedures

The Library has a Community Room that can be rented for events or meetings. Audio visual equipment is available. Arrangements to use the room can be made with the Business Office at 914-630-5889 or

Statement of Policy

The Mamaroneck Public Library regards the availability and use of its Meeting Rooms as an
integral part of its service to the community. Priority for use is given in the following order, with
Mamaroneck residents taking precedence:

  1. Library activities.
  2. Activities jointly sponsored by the Library with other organizations.
  3. Mamaroneck non-profit organizations engaged in activities consistent with the Library’s mission to help community residents meet their educational, personal, recreational and professional needs.
  4. Village of Mamaroneck boards and commissions.
  5. Non-profit organizations outside Mamaroneck engaged in activities consistent with the Library’s mission.
  6. For-profit organizations engaged in activities consistent with the Library’s mission.


The Community Room is available for use when the Library is open. Library hours are as follows:

Monday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Activities must conclude 15 minutes before the Library’s scheduled closing, unless prior written approval has been granted.

What’s Available:

Community Room – with attached kitchen (70 people seated; maximum 145)

What it Costs:

Non-Profit Organizations – $50.00/hr;
For-Profit Organizations or Private Events – $125.00/hr

Application Procedure

The application form for the Community Room is available on the Library’s website or may be
obtained from the Business Office. Applications will be processed in order of their receipt. Every
applicant will designate the individual responsible for supervision of the use of the Community Room.
The applicant and its designee will be responsible for any damage done to the premises, its furnishings or equipment, and for any additional cleaning required afterwards.

Use of the Community Room by any organization outside regular Library hours will require a payment of $50.00 per hour (or part thereof) to reimburse the Library for staff time, in addition to any other
applicable fees. All fees are to be paid by check to the “Mamaroneck Public Library” by the date of the
rental event.

Scheduling Restrictions

● The Library reserves the right to impose limitations on the frequency of use of the Community
Room by an organization. In general, rooms may not be reserved for regular meetings (i.e. weekly,
monthly, etc.). We reserve the right to limit repeat programming to twice a year. Library programs
and school programs are exceptions to this rule.
● Religious organizations are eligible to schedule meetings, but they may not hold worship or
instructional services at the Library.
● Admission fees may not to be charged by any group using the Community Room
● Community Room may not be used for fund-raising activities, except those sponsored by the

Financial Responsibility, Waiver of Negligence, and Indemnifications

Any person, group or organization sponsoring use of a Meeting Room must assume financial liability for any damage incurred during its use. The Mamaroneck Public Library District, its employees and Trustees, assume no responsibility whatsoever for personal injury or damage to personal property in connection with a program; and the organization agrees that the Library District is expressly released and discharged from any and all liability for negligence or tort causing any loss, injury or damage to persons or property which may be sustained during or by reason of a program held on the Library’s premises; and the person, group or organization agrees to indemnify the Library District and hold it harmless against all loss, including attorney’s fees.

Other Terms

● Authors and performers who are invited or permitted to appear at the Library and wish to sell
books, tapes, compact disks or other materials may do so, subject to prior permission of the
Library Director.
● Use of the Library’s audio-visual equipment by outside groups is permitted with advance
● Refreshments are allowed for scheduled events in the Community Room with advance approval.
Alcoholic beverages—limited to beer and wine—may be served at the discretion of the Library
● Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Library or on Library grounds.
● The fact that a group is permitted to use the Community Room does not in any way constitute an
endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by the Library.
● Program publicity is the applicant’s responsibility. Non-Library groups and individuals may not
use the Library’s address and phone number as their own. Advance approval by the Library
Director is required for any publicity or any items that will be distributed at a public meeting.
● For meetings of minors, applicants must agree to have an authorized adult representative in
attendance who shall supervise all persons upon the premises to ensure that the event is conducted
in a safe and orderly manner and that no one engages in unlawful or improper conduct. Library
Director reserves the right to waive this requirement.
● Rooms must be left neat and in good order, with all trash bagged for removal. The applicant is
liable for any damage done to the premises, its furnishings or equipment.
● In case of emergency building closure, the program will be canceled, and the applicant will be
offered the opportunity to reschedule or to have room fees refunded.
● The Library Director is authorized to determine the appropriate use of the Meeting Rooms. In case
of denial of use, appeal may be made in writing to the Library Board of Trustees. The decision of
the Board of Trustees will be final.
● The Board of Trustees reserves the right to cancel or suspend any meeting held by a group or
organization that violates the rules and regulations, or for any other reason.

Adopted by the Mamaroneck Public Library District Board of Trustees on July 27, 2011
Amended May 26, 2016
Amended February 7, 2023