From our Library to you, is a service of the Mamaroneck Public Library. We will provide Library materials to homebound residents. This program is available to all residents of the Village of Mamaroneck who cannot get to the Library because of illness, age, infirmity or disability.To participate in this program, the applicant must have or be eligible for a Mamaroneck Public Library card, live within the Village of Mamaroneck (a list of streets can be found here), and complete an application and questionnaire. If applicant does not have a Library card, he/she will be able to register for one. Current Library cards will be suspended during participation in this program so that a new “Homebound” Library card can be issued. Once an application is completed, a staff member will be in contact to discuss needs and interests.
For more information or an application and questionnaire, please contact a Librarian at the Reference desk weekdays at (914) 630-5887 or (914) 630-5888.